Dr. Hidayatullah Khan
Ph.D , University of Sheffield, UK (2011) in Electroceramics
Research Interest: Electroceramics
Telephone: 0092-3339269985
Resume: [ Download ]
Hidayat Ullah Khan joined Department of Physics, University of Peshawar, Pakistan as a lecturer on regular basis on March 16, 2004. The main theme of Dr. Khan’s research includes fabrication of electroceramics and study of their phase transitions, electrical properties and crystal structures, and their mutual relationship. The experimental techniques, widely used in these investigations, are X-ray diffraction (XRD), Dielectric and ferroelectric measurements, Raman Spectroscopy, Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS), and Scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Special expertise is on Raman Spectroscopy and Transmission Electron Microscopy