Announcement: HEC Eshaas Scholarship for the Session 2020-21

It is to inform all students of BS-Commerce Program Session 2020-21 who have applied online for the HEC Ehsaas Scholarship for Undergraduate Programs that Director Admissions, UoP has announced the submission of hardcopies and nominations of such applicants, therefore, you are directed to submit the hardcopy of the online application alongwith all requisite documents as required per application to the college's office on or before January 12, 2021. 
The following attested copies /orginal of documents should be attached (Visit HEC's official website for further details)
  1. Photograph (pp - size ) One
  2. NIC copy (Student and father/guardian) each
  3. Domicile
  4. Income certificate Employer or Affidavit - income Certificaate (non-employer)
  5. DMC / Transcript of Last result declared
  6. Electricity / Gas / Telephone original bills
  7. Deed of agreement on attested stamp paper
  Visit HEC's website for eligibility and ineligibility of candidates. 
Ineligibility: (Visit HEC's official website for details)
1. Self Finance or getting any other Financial support 
Complete application form, duly filled  & signed alongwith the above documents must reach the college office on or before 12-01-2021. 
The interviews of the applicants  will be held on 14-01-2021 in my office from 9.00AM– 12:00PM  & 2:00PM to 4:00PM 
The incomplete and after deadline date submitted applications will be rejected.