Directorate of Planning & Development (P&D)

Travel Grants



The worthy Vice-Chancellor, University of Peshawar has approved the following Policy for Seminars, Workshops, Conferences and Trainings regarding Inland Participation of Faculty Members/Ph.D Scholars on recommendations of the committee constituted for the same policy.

The main features of the approved policy are as under:


1.    In order to provide an equal opportunity, all teaching staff shall be allowed for presentation of research papers only once in a financial year within the country to be sponsored by the University. In this regard TA/DA, registration fee etc. will be paid as per University rules in vogue. The number of days for such event shall include one day before and one day after the presentation. If a faculty member further intends to attend the seminar / workshop, he / she shall manage it on self-finance basis with the condition that his / her academic/ official routine shall not suffer.

2.    Faculty up to the level of Associate Professor and Professor (up to the age of 55 years) can participate in training / workshop once in a financial year.

3.    Acceptance of paper / oral presentation shall be the minimum criteria for permission to such conferences / seminars.

4.    Brochure of program and presentation report is to be submitted alongwith the TA/DA bill. In case of training, permission will be granted on case-to-case basis. Further, at the end of academic year data will be presented regarding total No. of Oral Papers/ Workshops /Trainings attended / sponsored by the University.

5.    A case to be prepared and presented before the up- coming F&PC meeting regarding the participation and financing of presentation of papers by M.Phil / Ph.D scholars in Seminars / Workshops and Conferences out of University Budget as there is no provision in the Current budget for M. Phil / Ph.D scholars.


In future, all the relevant cases will be recommended in light of the above approved policy.


Higher Education Commission Travel Grants for Presentation of Research Papers


Scientific seminars, conferences and symposia act as a welcome source of motivation and information for the academic and scientific communities. These events provide tremendous opportunity to exchange the scientific outcomes of knowledge creation and problem solving. Scientific conferences are ideal places to find out what's advanced in specific field, observe the various debates and controversies under way, meet interesting people, make contacts for the future, and, in general, interact with professionals in their fields. Beyond knowing inspiring stories, the participants see how others solved problems similar, which may help move them past the roadblock in their own research. The contacts developed in these events may result in a new collaboration.  It's always amusing to put the names one has read on papers for years with actual faces at scientific conferences. 


Travel Grant Program aims at providing the opportunity to the academic and scientific communities to boost their research activities. Under this program, faculty and Ph.D. scholars are extended financial assistance for presentation of their research papers at national or international forums, which facilitates the interaction with skilled academia and researchers in the relevant field.


The objectives of this program are;


·         To extend financial assistance to faculty and researchers from public and private universities and degree awarding institutes to present their research work at national and international events.

·         To share academic and research experiences and achievements at national as well as international level.

·          To share scientific ideas with national and international research community and get exposure to latest trend and techniques in research.

·         To explore opportunities for national and international academic collaborations.



How to Apply

To apply for the travel grant, the applicant needs to follow the steps given below.

  1. Applicant needs to fill-in the Travel Grant application form with appropriate information.
  2. Following two forms are available;
  1. Travel Grant Application Form for Paper Presentation (in seminar, conference and symposium) – Annex-A
  2. Travel Grant Application Form for Pursuing Higher Studies Abroad (Ph.D. and Postdoc studies abroad and visits under cultural exchange program) – Annex-B
  1. Endorsement by head of institution and head of department must be obtained at appropriate section of the prescribed Travel Grant application form.
  2. Scholars studying abroad to pursue Ph.D. under HEC or any other Government of Pakistan's scholarship programme may obtain the endorsement of foreign supervisor at the Travel Grant application form (instead of the Vice Chancellor or Rector).
  3. Applicants intending to pursue higher degrees, who are unemployed at the time of submission of application, may send their applications directly to HEC.
  4. Faculty members of Pakistani universities on study leave abroad may route their Travel Grant application through their parent university in Pakistan or directly to HEC after obtaining endorsement of supervisor from the foreign university under intimation to their parent university.
  5. A certificate regarding the Similarity Index of the publication by the Director (Research/ORIC/QEC) or any relevant official of the institution must be obtained at appropriate section of the prescribed Travel Grant application form.
  6.  Scholars studying abroad on HEC or any other scholarship program may send their application without this certificate. HEC will check the Similarity Index of their publication using TURNITIN.
  7. Supporting documentary evidences will be required with the Application Form as mentioned in Section 4 below.
  8. The travel grant application for presentation of research paper must receive at HEC at least 6 weeks (42 days) before the conference/seminar/workshop event date. It will be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure timely delivery of application at HEC.
  9. The Travel Grant applications to proceed or return after completion of higher studies must receive in HEC prior to or within three (03) months of date of travel. It will be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure timely delivery of application at HEC.
  10. Late or incomplete applications will not be processed.


Supporting Documents Required


A-1.    For oral presentation of paper 

  1. Letter of Acceptance/Invitation or email from the organizer in which the mode of presentation (oral/poster) has been clearly mentioned (if there is no mention in the letter or email, please obtain such specific email from the organizer).
  2. Documentary evidence indicating that your abstract/paper has been accepted based upon peer-review by the technical committee of the event (if there is no mention in the letter or email, please obtain such specific email from the organizer).
  3. Documentary evidence indicating that your abstract/paper would be published in Book of Abstracts/Proceedings/Journals for the conference etc. (if there is no mention in the letter or email, please obtain such specific email from the organizer). Online publication is also acceptable.
  4. Copy of conference brochure containing aims, objectives and themes, charges of registration and accommodation etc. (website details of the conference are also acceptable).
  5. Full-text paper (both hard and soft copies).
  6. NOC from the principal author (in case the applicant is co-author).
  7. Quotation from the travel agent indicating the shortest route.
  8. CV of the applicant along with the list of recent journal and conference/seminar publications, book chapters etc. (2-3 pages).
  9.  Copy of the bond with parent university/DAI (for faculty on study leave pursuing higher studies on scholarship other than HEC and Government of Pakistan).

A-2.   Additional documents required for poster presentation 

          (in addition to all the requirements as mentioned above in A-1)

List of applicant's publications indicating Impact Factor Score (IFS). The requisite IFS are 20 in Engineering and Agriculture disciplines, and 30 in Science disciplines. The IFS should also be verified by Director (Research/ORIC/QEC/) or Head of Department/Dean.

A-3.   Additional documents required in case of Ph.D. or M.Phil. leading to Ph.D. scholars

           (in addition to all the requirements as mentioned above in A-1)

  1. Scholarship award letter/registration letter from the university in which applicant is enrolled. Letter must clearly indicate the program in which the applicant is enrolled, i.e. either Ph.D. or M.Phil. leading to Ph.D.
  2. Copy of Result Card of GAT (General)/GRE International (Subject)/GAT (Subject) as per HEC minimum criteria for admission in Ph.D. (This is required from Ph.D. scholars enrolled in local universities).
  3. List of courses taken at M.Phil. and/or Ph.D. levels with grades obtained. (This is required from Ph.D. scholar enrolled in local universities).

List of Ph.D. faculty in your department.

A-4.    Additional documents required in case of non-teaching staff of university/DAI

           (in addition to all the requirements as mention above in A-1)

  1. Copy of job certificate indicating applicant's designation, department, job description and date of appointment/posting.
  2. Copy of MS/M.Phil. Degree (HEC reserves the right to verify the degree).
  3. Statement justifying the relevance of the conference and the research paper with applicant's current job description.  




B-1.    To proceed for Ph.D.

  1. Unconditional admission letter from Foreign University offering you admission in Ph.D.
  2. Copy of your award letter for scholarship or financial assistance or affidavit about self-finance.
  3. Copy of your highest Degree duly attested by HEC.
  4. Brief CV (2-3 pages).
  5. Quotation from the travel agent indicating the shortest route.
  6. Surety bond of Rs.100/- by two guarantors to be purchased in the name of guarantor(s) – Specimen at Annex-C
  7. Surety Bond attested by the Oath Commissioner and countersigned by First Class Magistrate.
  8. Copies of CNICs of both Guarantors.
  9. Application form duly signed by the applicant in Section No. 6.
  10. Copy of study leave from your employer (required from applicant employed in any organization).
  11. Copy of No Objection Certificate (NOC) from your employer (required from applicants employed in any organization).
  12. Application form duly signed and stamped by the Head of Department in Section No. 6 (required from applicant employed in any organization).

Application form duly signed and stamped by the Rector/Vice-Chancellor of your university in Section No. 7 (required from applicant employed in any organization).

B-2.    To return after completion of Ph.D.

  1. Unconditional admission letter from Foreign University offering you admission in Ph.D.
  2. Copy of your award letter for scholarship or financial assistance or affidavit about self-finance.
  3. Copy of your Completion Certificate/Provisional Certificate/Ph.D. Degree (Translated in English)
  4. Brief CV (2-3 pages).
  5. Invoice of Travel Agent (in Original).
  6. All pages of used Air-Ticket/Electronic Ticket bearing the amount of Airfare (in Original).
  7. All Boarding Passes (in Original).
  8. Justification for not flying with PIA (in case of any other Airline)
  9. Application form duly signed and stamped by the Head of Department in Section No. 6 (required from applicant employed in any organization).

Application form duly signed and stamped by the Rector/Vice-Chancellor of your university in Section No. 7 (required from applicant employed in any organization).

B-3.    To proceed for Post-Doctorate

  1. Letter of placement in an accredited foreign university?
  2. Synopsis/ Brief description of your research proposal?
  3. Brief CV (2-3 pages).
  4. Quotation from the travel agent indicating the shortest route.
  5. Are you under a bond after availing any Scholarship from HEC/Govt. of Pakistan/any other funding agency regarding proceeding abroad?
  6. Copy of study leave from your university.
  7. Copy of No Objection Certificate (NOC) from your university.
  8. Application form duly signed by the applicant in Section No. 6.
  9. Application form duly signed and stamped by the Head of Department in Section No. 6.

Application form duly signed and stamped by the Rector/Vice-Chancellor of your university in Section No. 7.

B-4.    To return after completion of Post-Doctorate

  1. Letter of placement in an accredited foreign university?
  2. Completion certificate for Post-Doctoral studies?
  3. Brief CV (2-3 pages).
  4. Invoice of Travel Agent (in Original).
  5. All pages of used Air-Ticket/Electronic Ticket bearing the amount of Airfare (in Original).
  6. All Boarding Passes (in Original).
  7. Justification for not flying with PIA (in case of any other Airline)
  8. Copy of study leave from your university.
  9. Copy of No Objection Certificate (NOC) from your university.
  10. Application form duly signed by the applicant in Section No. 6.

Application form duly signed and stamped by the Head of Department in Section No. 6.

B-5.    To proceed abroad under Cultural Exchange Program

  1. Letter of nomination by the Government of Pakistan.
  2. Copy of letter of acceptance from the inviting agency/ Institution.
  3. Details of training/visit program.
  4. Brief CV (2-3 pages).
  5. Quotation from the travel agent indicating the shortest route.
  6. Have you attached copy of study leave from your employer (required from applicants employed in any organization)?
  7. Have you attached copy of No Objection Certificate from your employer (required from applicants employed in any organization)?
  8. Has application form duly signed and stamped by the Head of Department?
  9. Has application form duly signed and stamped by the Rector/Vice-Chancellor of your university?
  10. Copy of study leave from your employer (required from applicant employed in any organization).
  11. Copy of No Objection Certificate (NOC) from your employer (required from applicants employed in any organization).
  12. Application form duly signed by the applicant in Section No. 6.
  13. Application form duly signed and stamped by the Head of Department in Section No. 6.

Application form duly signed and stamped by the Rector/Vice-Chancellor of your university in Section No. 7.

B-6.    Return from abroad under Cultural Exchange Program

  1. Letter of nomination by the Government of Pakistan.
  2. Copy of letter of acceptance from the inviting agency/ Institution.
  3. Details of training/visit program.
  4. Brief CV (2-3 pages).
  5. Invoice of Travel Agent (in Original).
  6. All pages of used Air-Ticket/Electronic Ticket bearing the amount of Airfare (in Original).
  7. All Boarding Passes (in Original).
  8. Justification for not flying with PIA (in case of any other Airline)
  9. Copy of study leave from your employer (required from applicant employed in any organization).
  10. Copy of No Objection Certificate (NOC) from your employer (required from applicants employed in any organization).
  11. Application form duly signed by the applicant in Section No. 6.
  12. Application form duly signed and stamped by the Head of Department in Section No. 6.
  13. Application form duly signed and stamped by the Rector/Vice-Chancellor of your university in Section No. 7.

Eligibility Criteria / Who Can Apply?


A.    For presentation of paper in National and International Conferences, seminars and symposia 


1.    Faculty Members: Faculty members from HEC recognized universities/degree awarding institutions in public and private sector. The faculty member includes:

  1. Regular teaching faculty (BPS or TTS)
  2. Distinguished and Meritorious Professors
  3. Engaged through Foreign Faculty Hiring Program of HEC
  4. Hired through Interim Placement of Fresh Ph.D. (IPFP) Program of HEC
  5. Hired on contract for at least one year.
  6. Faculty studying abroad on any scholarship who are under bond with their parent institutions in Pakistan

2.    Non-teaching University Staff: The non-teaching university staff of HEC recognized universities/degree awarding institutions in public and private sector who are employed for research related activities. The non-teaching staff should:

  1. Be a permanent employee of the university/DAI or hired on contract who has served at least two years in the same institution and his/her contract is being extended on annual basis
  2. Hold at least a post-graduate degree (18-years, MS equivalent)

3.    Ph.D. Scholars: Following Pakistani Ph.D. scholars are eligible:

  1. MS/M. Phil. leading to Ph.D. scholars registered with HEC recognized local universities.
  2. Ph.D. scholars registered with HEC recognized local Universities.
  3. Pakistani Ph.D. scholars studying abroad under HEC or any other Government of Pakistan's scholarship programs.


B.    To proceed for Ph.D./To return after completion of Ph.D.

  1. All citizens of Pakistan.
  2. Registration in a Ph.D. programme at any HEC recognized foreign university.


C.    To proceed for Post-Doctorate/To return after completion of Post-Doctorate (minimum duration 09 months)

  1. Faculty members of public sector universities/degree awarding institutions.
  2. Selection/nomination against an approved programme of the HEC/ Government of Pakistan or an offer/acceptance by an International Agency.


D.    To proceed under Cultural Exchange Program/To return under Cultural Exchange Program

  1. Faculty Members of public sector Universities/Degree Awarding Institutions.
  2. Nomination by the Government of Pakistan against any facility under Cultural Exchange Programme.

HEC employees are not eligible for travel grant under this programme.

Reimbursement Claims

  1. Upon approval of the grant, HEC will issue award letter indicating the approved amount against each components. The amount must be spent on specified heads.
  2. For approved cases, the sanctioned amount will be reimbursed after attending the event.
  3. For the applicants from local universities, the amount will be reimbursed upon filing the audited expenditure statement dully signed by the Applicant, Treasurer University Auditor and Head of Institution (see Annex-E for sample audited statement).
  4. University accounts office is advised to strictly follow the accounting procedure while submitting the audited statement/reimbursement claim.
  5. The university may acquire the following documentary evidences from the applicant:
    1. used air  ticket/e-ticket bearing cost of the ticket (it is mandatory that e-ticket must indicate the airfare amount)
    2. Original boarding pass counterfoil
    3. Original receipt for payment of registration fee of the event bearing the grantee's name and the actual amount
    4. Original receipt of payment for accommodation bearing the grantee's name, duration of stay and the actual amount
    5. Copy of conference programme indicating time slot for the presentation
    6. Copy of the relevant abstract/paper published in the book of abstract/proceeding/journal
    7. Justification for not flying with PIA (in case the applicant used other airline)
  6. Grant will be released in favor of the head of institution (Vice Chancellor, Rector, President or Director).
  7. For applicants pursuing higher studies in foreign universities or scholars proceeding abroad for higher studies, the reimbursement claim on prescribed form (Annex-F) must be submitted directly to HEC along with the documentary evidences as mentioned in v (a-g) above.
  8. The reimbursement claims for presentation of research paper should be filed within three (03) months after the visit (dates of conference). No claim will be entertained after the said period.
  9. The reimbursement claims to proceed or return after completion of higher studies should be filed within three (03) months. No claim will be entertained after the said period.
    The following terms and conditions will be applied

                                                        i.            In case of proceeding for Higher Studies 

i.    If applied before traveling, three months will starts from the date of departure

ii.   If applied after traveling, three months will starts from the date of approval letter

                                                      ii.            In case of after completion of Higher Studies

i.    If applied before traveling, three months starts from the date of Arrival

ii.   If applied after traveling, three months starts from the date of approval letter

  1. The HEC sanction is not subject to any change/re-appropriation whatsoever.
  2. Re-appropriation in sub-heads of the approved budget is not allowed.
  3. The HEC travel grant has been approved for this specific event and cannot be utilized for any other purpose or for any other event.
  4. The HEC Travel Grant is case specific; hence, cannot be used by anyone other than the applicant, against any other event, etc.
  5. If the applicant is unable to avail the sanctioned grant; the applicant is advised to withdraw the case.
  6. If the applicant could not utilize the Travel Grant due to some reason, please intimate this office.
  7. The reimbursement claim may be submitted through proper channel (through Registrar's Office or Office of Research Innovation & Commercialization (ORIC)).
  8. For applicant from any Pakistani University/DAIs, the grant (crossed cheque) will be sent to the forwarding/endorsing authority (Rector/Vice-Chancellor) for its onward transmission to the applicant. 
  9. Visa Fee will be borne by the applicant.
  10. For reimbursement purpose, no document will be accepted through E-Mail.
  11. Reimbursement claim should be dispatched through surface mail (by post).


Budget Heads

  1. The travel grant may include the following budget heads;
    1. Air Travel - economy class return air fare from origin to destination.
    2. Registration Fee - as per actual or maximum limit as recommended by the Committee.
    3. Accommodation - charges will be paid at prescribed rate per night for event days plus one day, maximum of 6 days.
    4. Daily Allowance – half of the daily allowance as per government rules for event days plus one day, maximum of 6 days.
  2. The current limits for the above heads are:


Budget Head

Current Budgetary Limit


Air Travel


Rs. 185,000

United States of America

Rs. 175,000

Europe & Africa

Rs. 134,000

Australia, Japan & Far East

Rs. 115,000

Turkey & Middle East

Rs. 83,000

India, Iran & Bangladesh

Rs. 50,000

China & Russia

Rs. 100,000

Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia & Nepal

Rs. 100,000


Registration Fee

US$ 500 or actual whichever is less



US$ 100 per night


Daily Allowance

Half of the daily allowance as per government rules

  1. The Travel Grant Management Committee may review the above limits and propose changes accordingly for the approval of the Executive Director HEC.

Terms and Conditions


  1. The travel grant application for presentation of research paper must receive at HEC at least 6 weeks (42 days) before the conference/seminar/workshop event date. It will be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure timely delivery of application at HEC.
  2. The Travel Grant applications to proceed or return after completion of higher studies must receive in HEC prior to or within three (03) months of date of travel. It will be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure timely delivery of application at HEC.
  3. University faculty members and Ph.D. scholars can avail a maximum of one (01) travel grant within a fiscal year.
  4. A maximum of two (02) travel grants will be awarded per university for the same conference. However, one Travel Grant is permissible per department for the same conference.
  5. In case there are more than one applicant from same department, preference will be given to faculty member/scholar who hasn't availed travel grant during the last two years. In case of tie, the decision will be made by the Head of Institution.
  6. HEC discourages travel grants to visit home country by Ph.D. scholars studying abroad and by foreign faculty for attending seminars and conferences.
  7. HEC has the right to verify the Similarity Index of the publication at random.
  8. In case the Similarity Index is higher than permissible limit, a clarification from the author will be sought before deciding the travel grant.
  9. For poster presentation, the impact factor of the year of publication will be considered for computation purpose.
  10. For approved cases, the sanctioned amount will be reimbursed to the university/institution upon return/attending the event and upon filing the audited expenditure statement duly signed by the applicant, university auditor and head of institution (vice chancellor, rector etc.).
  11. Most of the universities facilitate their faculty/staff/scholars by providing the amount in advance against the award letter to meet the requirements.
  12. The applicants pursuing higher studies in foreign universities will submit their claims directly to HEC along with necessary documentary evidences.
  13. The reimbursement claims for presentation of research paper should be filed within three (03) months after the visit (dates of conference). No claim will be entertained after the said period.
  14. The reimbursement claims to proceed or return after completion of higher studies should be filed within three (03) months. No claim will be entertained after the said period.
    The following terms and conditions will be applied
    1. In case of proceeding for Higher Studies
    2. If applied before traveling, three months will starts from the date of departure
    3. If applied after traveling, three months will starts from the date of approval letter
    4. In case of after completion of Higher Studies
    5. If applied before traveling, three months starts from the date of Arrival
    6. If applied after traveling, three months starts from the date of approval letter
  15. Re-appropriation in the approved budget heads is not allowed.
  16. If the visit is not performed for any reason(s), the same should be notified to HEC positively within 15 days after the conference dates, failing which the grant is considered as availed.
  17. HEC will reimburse the registration fee to the applicant in case the applicant could not travel due to circumstances which were beyond control subject to the condition that registration fee is paid after the issuance of award letter. The circumstances may include; (i) refusal of visa by the concerned embassy, (ii) issuance of visa after the event dates, (iii) indefinite delay in issuance of visa, and (iv) sickness or accident etc.
  18. The applicant will have to submit justification if there is any change in title or contents of the paper submitted with application and published in the conference.
  19. HEC's minimum requirement/criteria for admission in Ph.D. program need to be fulfilled by the applicants enrolled in local university.
  20. After attending the event, the applicant has to submit his/her feedback about the event at prescribed form (Annex-D).
  21. Travel grant to visit Taiwan will not be supported.


Criteria for Award of Travel Grant

HEC's Travel Grant is highly competitive and the success rate is between 60 – 65 %. There are chances that you may not get Travel Grant even though your paper has been accepted in a conference. While evaluating an application for award of travel grant, followings are the major considerations;  

  1. Scope of the conference
  2. Repute of the organizers
  3. Professional standing of invited resource persons and keynote speakers
  4. Relevance of the conference with the applicant's professional career
  5. Relevance of the paper with current job description of the applicant
  6. Previous presentations in foreign conferences/seminars
  7. Research/publication track of the applicant in peered review journals


Procedure to Award Travel Grant

  1. All the applications received in HEC will be evaluated and approved by a Committee comprising of professionals in different disciplines.
  2. Executive Director HEC will appoint the members of the Committee for a period of two years.
  3. Director General (R&D) will serve as the member secretary of the Committee
  4. The Committee will hold its meeting in HEC twice a month to approve the travel grant cases.
  5. The members of the Committee will not be entitled to any remuneration. 
  6. The Terms of Reference (TOR) of the Committee will include;
  7. Approve/disapprove the travel grants based on the criteria mentioned above in Section 6.
  8. Recommend the budget of the approved grants for the sanction of the Executive Director, HEC,
  9. Recommend the maximum budgetary limits of various heads such as registration fee, accommodation and travel cost etc.
  10. Reassess the review petitions submitted by the applicants on any matter.
  11. Seek further clarification/information from the applicant (if required).
  12. The minutes of the Committee will be signed by the Chairperson and Secretary of the Committee.
  13. Executive Director, HEC will sanction the amount of approved travel grants.
  14. The award letter will be issued along with the sanctioned amount in each head to the successful applicants.
  15. No approval/sanction by the Executive Director, HEC will be required at the time of reimbursement as long as the amount is within the approved/already sanctioned budget.

Policy on Fraudulent and Plagiarized Data and Documents

Applicants to the travel grant are advised that HEC has a zero-tolerance policy regarding the submission of fraudulent or plagiarized data and documents as part of grant proposals. Any such cases discovered by the staff or brought to their attention by reviewer, committee members, or members of the public will be investigated immediately. If the presence of fraudulent or plagiarized materials in a proposal submission is verified, the following actions will be taken:

  1. The application in question will be removed from consideration for funding.
  2. The applicant will be notified of the findings and will be placed on a debarment list prohibiting him or her from submitting any future proposals to HEC programs.
  3. The applicant's institution will be advised of the case and provided with copies of the fraudulent or plagiarized materials for use in any further investigations or actions in accordance with that institution's policies.

HEC Official to be Contacted for further guidance



Mr. Aziz ur Rehman

Assistant Director, Research & Development
Higher Education Commission
Sector H-9 Islamabad.

Phone: 051-90401932


Note: Annexures could be downloaded from the above download menue.